BrainWise Blog

Junior League of Denver Visits BrainWise Class

On January 22, 2009 members of the Junior League of Denver's Community Assistance Fund made a site visit to a bilingual BrainWise kindergarten class and watched Master BrainWise instructor, Wendy Cameron, and BrainWise assistant, Sarah Donahue, teach the BrainWise curriculum....

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BrainWise Receives Daniels Fund Grant

BrainWise was recently awarded a $25,000.00 grant from the Daniels Fund to develop Be BrainWise With Money, a project that integrates the 10 Wise Ways into financial concepts and teaches them to Denver Public School fifth graders and high school...

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BrainWise at Charter School Conference

Dr. Barry was invited to present at the 15th Annual Conference of Colorado Charter Schools.  Dr. Barry conducted the presentation on BrainWise, outlining the concepts of the the 10 Wise Ways and reviewing the research supporting the program.  She was...

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BrainWise at Rotary International-Los Angeles

Dr. Barry returned from the Rotary International Convention in Los Angeles, where she spent three days introducing and training individual Rotarians in the concepts of BrainWise. The Rotary International coordinator for Literacy, Dr. Richard Hattwick thought that the BrainWise presentation...

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BrainWise and Financial Literacy

BrainWise is developing a ground-breaking, replicable model for teaching children and youth financial literacy. Classes at Eagleton Elementary School are reinforcing BrainWise concepts being taught in the school by teaching low income parents the FDIC's bilingual Money Smart curriculum, and...

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