Brain Zones: Take Care of Yourself

Posted On: January 21, 2022
Individuals who practice self-care demonstrate they are using BrainWise CPR to control Lizard Brain reactions. Brain Zones make this easier – they are spaces where children, youth, and even adults use the 10 Wise Ways to stop and think.
Using Brain Zones also shows they are practicing Control – the “C” in BrainWise CPR. This Wizard Brain thinking includes getting help from their Constellation of Support (Brain Zones are non-human support resources.) They also show they are using thinking skills by recognizing Red Flags that warned them a problem was about to happen, and by lowering their Emotions Elevator using calm-down strategies and tools.
Stigma is still associated with seeking help. This can be avoided by introducing Brain Zones as a resource for everyone that promotes thinking skills. Science shows the importance of self-care, and BrainWise lessons discuss how everyone has problems, and teaches tools that help prevent and manage problems. Brain Zones recognize that self-care is important for everyone.
Brain Zones: Take Care of Yourself
Example of Brain Zone Materials (Read about a Brain Zone for high school students with special needs in BrainWise Newsletter Issue #48.)


There’s What Teachers Say:
Brain Zones help children recognize that they have control over their feelings and tell them that addressing them is using their Wizard Brain.
Because children have learned the 10 Wise Ways, the Brain Zone helps them use thinking skills in real time.
When kiddos use the Brain Zone, it tells me that they recognize their internal Red Flags and know what they need to do to Stop and Think.
It (the Brain Zone) helps me know which children may need more help, especially if they don’t use it.
I am a big fan! It makes using thinking skills smart, acceptable, and important.
Our Brain Zone has a desk with clearly marked resources and it includes a holder on top with slots for BrainWise worksheets.
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Examples of BrainWise Worksheets
Everything to do with the Brain Zone is positive. The children recognize they have tools to work on problems and use them.
I am impressed by the compassion and empathy I seen children give each other. The Brain Zone helps them recognize everyone needs time to think about the uncontrollable and crazy things that are happening.
I use the 10 Wise Ways as the foundation for our Brain Zone. Associating the space with brain science and thinking identifies it as important.
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More Examples of Brain Zone Materials
Brain Zones are a great practice ground and make thinking skills a positive experience for kids.
We have a 10 Wise Ways card set as well as a handmade set of 10 Wise Ways cards. One of our classes made the card set for the Brain Zone. Children use the cards in many ways, including going through a problem and finding which Wise Ways help explain the behaviors.
(Separate from the Brain Zone, children can make their own card set. Partners who have purchased a BrainWise curriculum can request a free card set template at
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BrainWise Card Set and Example of Red Flag Card Template
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