BrainWise and Special Needs

Posted On: August 15, 2015
Deaf and blind teenagers partying
Deaf and blind teenagers partying

BrainWise Board Member Dan Himelspach, J.D., is co-founder of Dispute Management, Inc.  When he learned that the Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR), in partnership with the JAMS Foundation, had announced a 2015 request for initial proposals, he encouraged BrainWise to submit one.  ACL/JAMS asked for projects that “advance the development, implementation, and/or assessment of conflict resolutions education servicing special needs youth populations.”  The 10 Wise Ways have been taught to this target population for years, and the skills help students manage inappropriate behavior, including conflict and bullying.  The good news is that BrainWise was invited to submit a full proposal, due in October.  Our project will request funds to pilot a blended learning approach with special needs teens.  They will be taught BrainWise face-to-face, and will use educational software and a companion mobile phone app to reinforce the concepts.  The problem examples will include specific conflict situations faced by deaf, blind and special needs students, as well as the typical problems everyone faces.

At the Light Board
At the Light Board
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