BrainWise Checklists Improve Thinking Skills

Posted On: March 17, 2011

Why Use Checklists?

We can use checklists to make sure that that we apply knowledge consistently and correctly to make decisions.Atul Gawarnde’s (2010) book, The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Done Right, discusses how checklists help pilots and surgeons avoid errors.No surprise to those who use them!!

Checklists have been included with BrainWise materials since 1997.The 10 Wise Ways provide a simple and effective way to think critically about problems.But if these thinking skills aren’t used, our Lizard Brain reactions propel our actions.Make it a habit to go over problems using a checklist of the 10 Wise Ways.This tool is a simple, effective, and valuable way to make sure program users practice using all 10 Wise Ways.Try it and see!

BrainWise checklists.

Checklist 1: Analyzing a Problem from an Individual’s Perspective

Checklist 2: Analyzing a Problem from Someone Else’s Perspective

Checklist 3: Analyzing a Problem Simultaneously from Your Perspective and Someone Else’s

Location of Checklists: The checklists are on the green BrainWise Review Guide that is inside the pocket of every BrainWise curriculum. They also are in the BrainWise curriculum Worksheet Sections:

BrainWise for Grades K-5 pp. W-50 to W-52

BrainWise for Grades 6-12 pp. W-49 to W-51

BrainWise One- on-One pp. W-46 to W-48

How To Be BrainWise pp. 100-102

To learn more about checklists go to “The BrainWise Method” link on the left side of the page or click here:

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