BrainWise Instructors Provide Feedback

Posted On: August 25, 2014

Marty MacDonald, a market research consultant in Leipzig, Germany, visited Denver and interviewed BrainWise Instructors to find out what they think about ways to expand the program, strategies to use social media to promote it, and designs for a one-page problem solving worksheet. The ten participants included a wide range of users, from elementary and high school instructors and principals to program directors.

The findings were overwhelmingly positive – BrainWise is key to developing skills that last a lifetime, is valuable because it is simple enough for kindergartners to grasp but sophisticated enough for adults, and gives individuals tools to respond positively to their problems and challenges. Improvements to the program include creation of a shorter version of the program for intensive training, which will be addressed by the BrainWise CPR version, and offering more guidance on ways too implement and reinforce the program.

The reaction to BrainWise CPR and its companion one-page worksheet was enthusiastic. Instructors said that helping participants apply the 10 Wise Ways to immediate, real-life problems was critical for retention. Teachers urged marketing BrainWise to parents and involving them in reinforcing the concepts.

Suggestions on training and promotion include:

– Help instructors incorporate the 10 Wise Ways into what the already use successfully.
– Offer BrainWise workshops for parents before PTA meetings
– Provide parents with BrainWise terminology sheets and activities
– Emphasize the value of BrainWise as a resource that makes a positive difference with little effort


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