BrainWise Outcome Measures show Reliability and Internal Consistency

Posted On: May 17, 2014

The mission of BrainWise is to teach problem solving skills through the 10 Wise Ways in order to help individuals make better decisions. The four instruments we use to measure outcomes have been validated and normed on youth and adults, but until recently, not on a homeless population.

In ongoing research, Dr. Welsh assessed their reliability on a homeless group, and found that the four instruments are reliable and internally consistent (alphas range from .71 to .96) and correlate significantly with each other. They thus accurately measure how the 10 Wise Ways improve problem solving and decision making on this type of population as well.

We encourage program sites to contact Dr. Welsh to discuss the outcome measures she employs, if they are interested in conducting research on their own populations or programs at

Three of the instruments are in the public domain, and one is purchased from a testing company at $2.00 per participant. The BrainWise Research team also is available to help with study design and analysis.


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