BrainWise Testimonial: Nursing Home Care Providers and Covid-19 Fears

Posted On: June 24, 2020

BrainWise instructors and program graduates know that when fear and other emotions, (e.g. anxiety, disgust, sadness, surprise and even love and happiness) are on the top floors of the emotions elevator, they trigger the Lizard Brain’s fight or flight reaction and you react without thinking.  We are born with this “fight or flight” survival instinct. Our five senses act as sentinels for our bodies and send signals to the brain that warn there is a problem.  

This reaction helps us if we need to jump out of the way of a speeding cyclist,  but Lizard Brain reactions cause problems when we get angry with a crying baby, seek revenge when another car cuts us off, or if we feel hopeless and depressed. Many of us have felt our elevators rise because of the many unknowns  surrounding Covid-19.  

You can only imagine the emotions felt by nursing care staff at a nursing home where two positive Covid-19 case had been diagnosed (both people lived.) The director of the nursing home  and her director of nursing talked about the change they saw after they and their care had been trained in BrainWise.  

 “Before BrainWise, every day I was a ‘10’ on my emotions elevator every day.  Today, I am on the second floor. “  

“Each week, the staff tells me how they are using the Wise Ways.”

  “Knowing how to find factual information has helped lower fear.” 

 “The program’s simple phrases and terms have a deep impact.”  

“The skills help change Lizard Brain reactions to Wizard Brain thinking.”

“BrainWise training has made it easier for the staff to come to work and be positive. And it has increased communication and helped me talk with them about their fears.

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