BrainWise Trainings Add 400 Instructors in Three Weeks

Posted On: December 21, 2014
"Teachers Get Trained in BrainWise
“Teachers Get Trained in BrainWise
xample of BrainWise Training Small Group Acti
Example of BrainWise Training Small Group Activity
Brain Activity with Teachers
Brain Activity with Teachers

BrainWise founder Pat Gorman Barry and trainers Christine Cerbana and Matt Sena ended the year by training educators in Medicine Hat and Brooks, Alberta Canada and at HOPE Online Learning Academy at the Denver Tech Center in Englewood, CO.

School psychologist Gary Brayton, Ph.D. told Alberta school administrators Patti Jones (Brooks) and Lisa Bosch (Medicine Hat) about BrainWise. Dr. Brayton uses BrainWise in his private practice, and recommended the program to their school districts. Matt and Christine conducted trainings for their faculty and staff in November.

Susan McAlonan, Ph.D., Director of Student Services at HOPE, was familiar with BrainWise from her previous position as an administrator with Aurora Public Schools. In her new job at HOPE Academy, Susan felt that students would benefit from the foundation BrainWise provides and had their middle and high school teachers trained to teach BrainWise. The academy reaches over 2,900 at-risk youth in 15 school districts throughout Colorado and uses a blended learning approach to help students increase their academic achievement. Pat and Christine conducted the training in December and received the highest accolades ever given by HOPE participants for an instructional training.

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