Colorado High School Charter Graduates Receive BrainWise Recognition Awards

Posted On: June 2, 2010

CHSC BrainWise Award Winners
CHSC BrainWise Award Winners

Award-winning teacher and BrainWise instructor Dell Brooks nominated four Colorado High School Charter students to receive awards for outstanding performance using thinking and decision making skills. Dell teaches BrainWise to the CHSC student body, and was proud to nominate students who have demonstrated exceptional critical thinking skills during the 2009-2010 school year.

Sidney Parson, a senior at CHSC, was awarded the BrainWise Outstanding Student Achievement Award for “Excellent Demonstration of Critical Thinking Skills Among All Students at Colorado High School Charter.” She received a check for $100.00 and a framed certificate. Her parents were proud of her achievement, and the positive changes she has made over the last two years. Sidney plans to attend a private college in Florida in the fall.

In the category of “Outstanding BrainWise Team Achievement,” CHSC seniors Brittany Armijo, Beatrice DeHerrera, and Danielle Olivas teamed up to receive the first place award for “Demonstration of Critical Thinking Skills.” Each girl received a check for $50.00 and a framed certificate.The awards were presented at the school’s graduation ceremony, enabling parents, families, and fellow students to share their pleasure at the honor.

The BrainWise Program and Colorado High School Charter salute these outstanding students for their dedication to making good choices!

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