Kempe Foundation President and CEO Joins BrainWise Board

Posted On: January 25, 2012

BrainWise is pleased to announce that Patricia L. (Pat) Peterson has accepted an invitation to become the newest board member for the program.

peterson photo cmyk1Peterson, who is President and CEO of the Kempe Foundation for the Treatment and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect in Denver, has 20 years of experience as a nurse-attorney/foundation executive with a strong background in foundation management and fundraising. BrainWise founder and director Dr. Patricia Gorman Barry said board members are delighted to welcome Peterson, and that her expertise will be of great value.

“Pat’s blended professional experience and reputation for outstanding integrity will enhance the depth and range of the BrainWise Program’s already strong and independent board of directors,” added Dr. Barry.

Peterson formerly served as executive director of the Rocky Mountain Children’s Health Foundation in Denver, and as president and CEO of the Memorial Health System Foundation in Colorado Springs. She received her nursing degree from Stanford University Medical Center in California, and her law degree from the University of Baltimore School of Law in Maryland. She is a member of the Maryland, Delaware and Colorado Bar Associations, and has practiced law in all three states.

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