Students Share Thoughts on BrainWise

Posted On: April 22, 2015

Brian Swalley, Student Services Coordinator at Hope Online Learning Academy, asked 6th, 7th and 8th grade students questions about BrainWise. The responses below are typical of those he received:
How has BrainWise been for you?
It has had a great impact with me, I feel like they are relating to me really well…more than I thought anyone ever could. It’s really relatable and has helped me express and explain my feelings.
It’s been fun. It teaches you a lot and helps you. Our teacher is so nice and she helps with everything and doesn’t judge you
It’s helped me a lot, I liked learning about the red flag warnings. I think that some of the kids at school have definitely changed since we started BrainWise and become nicer since we started it. I think that our teacher is really nice and she’s a really good teacher for giving us BrainWise.
I like it. My mom had told me that the front part of my brain was common sense but our teacher teaches us how to use it and talks about it in more detail
If you could change one thing what would it be?
I wish that BrainWise happened more frequently because it would help me more. Something new happens every day, something comes up and I might not know how to explain it or react but BrainWise could help me. I also wish that I and my friends and classmates could talk about their feelings more.
What would you say to another student getting ready to start BrainWise?
Focus and take in what the teachers are talking about, listen and pay attention because something will set in with you and you don’t have to ignore the feelings you have, bring it up and the teachers can really help you through it with BrainWise. BrainWise is always there for you and the program understands what you are going through and it will help take care of you and help you through whatever you are dealing with.
Don’t be scared to start BrainWise
If you take BrainWise you will grow in knowledge and you will be able to control your anger better. You will also be able to know how other people feel based on their actions and become wiser.
If you could change one thing what would it be?
More treats/ food
Has anything changed at school since you started BrainWise?
Some people are not as mean as they were before and there is not as much drama at school since we started the program.

Some people stop when they start getting into arguments now and they think about what they are going to say

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