Matt Sena, M.A. is a master BrainWise Instructor in Fairbanks, Alaska, using the program in his work with at-risk families and adolescents. Sena was the Fatherhood Program manager for Chugachmiut Inc., in Anchorage, AK. where he taught BrainWise to adolescents and families beginning in 1998. For the last six years, he also has trained and supported Alaska Native leaders to use the 10 Wise Ways to help youth and families living in rural tribal villages make good decisions. Sena is involved with the Fatherhood and Families coalition, a consortium of agencies serving youth and young families. In addition to his teaching and counseling with Chugachmiut, he is a doctoral candidate in clinical community psychology at the University of Alaska at Anchorage, where he is completing his thesis on the use of educational technology in the delivery of the BrainWise Program.