BrainWise Blog

BrainWise for Parents

April 20, 2019 is the anniversary of the Columbine High School massacre. Twenty years ago, the reaction was a firm "Never again!" Today, the response is an anguished "Another shooting?" The consequences of these increased acts of violence have led...

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BrainWise and Homeless Veterans

In 2018, Sage Open published research on BrainWise which had been taught to homeless men living in a transitional housing facility provided by an urban nonprofit organization.  Marilyn Welsh, Ph.D. and her research team found that men who received BrainWise...

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BrainWise FAQs and BrainWise Practice Activities

BrainWise FAQs What is required to achieve successful outcomes? Individuals who have a desire to teach BrainWise. Instructors who recognize the value of teaching the 10 Wise Ways and understand how learning the skills will benefit not only their students,...

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BrainWise Instructor Training

What are the best ages for individuals to be when they learn BrainWise? BrainWise was developed to be taught to individuals of all ages and abilities. The program can be adapted with appropriate examples from kindergartners to adults, for special...

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The University of Tennessee Extension / Family & Consumer Sciences

Extension agents are a national treasure: They offer educational programs through the designated land-grant university in each state with the goal to provide research-based knowledge that improves the lives of citizens. In 2010, the University of Tennessee Extension (UT Extension)...

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